The First Lady, Pharaoh's Wife...
Gary Robinson

The First Lady, Pharaoh's wife, the Queen,
stepped from the White House, the palace, one
summer day.
Bored and bloated from a heavy meal, she
shifted discontentedly before suddenly
lifting a leg, grimacing, and cutting
a tremendous fart.

It killed outright three hundred and fifty
members of the International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers,
ten thousand autoworkers,
one thousand dockworkers,
most of the clerks and cashiers on strike at Safeway,
mowed down an already decimated public service
and every one in the post office (much to the
of the private courier companies);
the stink gathered itself and crossed oceans and
and took out Afghanis, Iranians, Iraqis, Egyptians,
Cubans, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, Peruvians and a
tribe of Mohawks
living in Ontario.

The lesson may be that we are never safe from the
of Power, especially after a big dinner.

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