Parent's Corner

Who's Missing A book published by the Women Inventors Project Inc. - This book gives 18 tips: A pratical GUIDE to including everybody in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Parent Sensitization Booklet:

LEAVING THE NEST: A Career Awareness Guide for Parents of Teens

Ultimately, raising children is about guiding them toward responsible adulthood. In a world where whole fields of employment are disappearing and new ones are springing up faster than ever before, it's a tall order to help young people to develop a sense of identity and purpose and to achieve eventual financial self-sufficiency. Books abound on parenting and on career change and career development---but few, if any, integrate the two themes. This booklet has been written to help you gain an overview of this climate of change, and to see how, as a parent, you can help to guide your teen's preparations for meaningful and gainful employment in a global economy.