Systems and Computer Engineering (SYSC)
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
SYSC 3110 [0.5 credit]
Software Development Project
Development of expertise in designing, implementing and testing maintainable, reusable software through team projects. Applying modern programming languages, design patterns, frameworks, UML and modern development processes (detection of olfactible source code defects, refactoring, iterative and incremental development, version control techniques) to medium-scale projects.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 2101 and SYSC 3010.
Prerequisites: SYSC 2004 and SYSC 2100, and third-year status in Software Engineering.
Lectures two hours a week, laboratory three hours a week.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at
Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at