French (FREN)
Department of French
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
French Placement for Language Students
Students who have not previously taken a course in the French Department must complete the Placement Test on Carleton Central before registering as per instructions received through their connect e-mail account. Students should note that they cannot go backward in a sequence of levels in language courses.
Students desiring a French credit to satisfy the language requirement of their department or school should consult that department or school.
FREN 1001 - Elementary FrenchFREN 1002 - Low Intermediate French
FREN 1100 - Intermediate French
FREN 1110 - Written French 1
FREN 2100 - Advanced French
FREN 2110 - Written French 2
FREN 2201 - Introduction aux études littéraires
FREN 2401 - Fonctionnement d'une langue: le français
FREN 3000 - Work Term 1
FREN 3050 - Compétences critiques
FREN 3212 - Des manuscrits aux belles-lettres : de la littérature médiévale à l'humanisme
FREN 3213 - Du Baroque aux Lumières
FREN 3214 - Révolutions, avant-gardes et ruptures : du 19e siècle aux années 1950
FREN 3215 - Les ères du soupçon : contemporanéités de la littérature
FREN 3251 - Introduction aux méthodes d'analyse littéraire
FREN 3412 - Morphologie et sémantique
FREN 3413 - Lexique et syntaxe
FREN 3414 - Sociolinguistique du français
FREN 3415 - La fabrique du français
FREN 3451 - Analyse linguistique du français
FREN 3511 - Expression écrite et traduction
FREN 3701 - Langue A
FREN 3702 - Langue B
FREN 3900 - Apprentissage et enseignement du français langue seconde
FREN 4000 - Work Term 2
FREN 4001 - Work Term 3
FREN 4212 - Littératures francophones
FREN 4213 - Littérature québécoise et canadienne d'expression française
FREN 4214 - Genre et mouvement
FREN 4215 - Problématiques contemporaines
FREN 4412 - Diversité du français
FREN 4413 - Diachronie du français
FREN 4414 - Analyse du français
FREN 4415 - Variation du français
FREN 4511 - Traduction : méthodologie et pratique
FREN 4801 - Tutorial A
FREN 4802 - Tutorial B
FREN 4900 - Thème choisi en apprentissage et enseignement du français langue seconde
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at
Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at