Social Work
School of Social Work
(Faculty of Public Affairs)
509 Dunton Tower
This section presents the requirements for
- Bachelor of Social Work - B.S.W.
Graduation Requirements
In addition to the program requirements listed below, students must satisfy the University regulations including the process of Academic Performance Evaluation (see the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar).
Students should consult with the School when planning their program and selecting courses.
Community College Applicants
Articulation agreements between the School of Social Work at Carleton University and several community colleges have been negotiated to facilitate the application of their graduates in their human or social service worker programs to Carleton's Bachelor of Social Work. Agreements have been established with Algonquin College, Sir Sanford Fleming College and St. Lawrence College (Cornwall and Kingston). Contact the School for more details.

Academic Performance Evaluation for Social Work
Students in the Bachelor of Social Work program are assessed by the standard process of Academic Performance Evaluation with the following exception:
Good Standing in the B.S.W. requires:
- If the number of credits included in the Overall CGPA is at most 15.0, the Overall CGPA must be at least 6.00 and the Major CGPA must be at least 6.00.
- If the number of credits included in the Overall CGPA is at least 15.5, the Overall CGPA must be at least 6.00 and the Major CGPA must be at least 6.50.

Work Experience and Credit for Practicum I (SOWK 3600, SOWK 3601)
On admission to the B.S.W. program, students who have four or more years of human service may apply to the B.S.W. Field Co-ordinator for waiver of the requirement for SOWK 3600 or SOWK 3601. If successful, they will be granted l.0 elective credit in Social Work and will be required to take l.0 additional elective credit in Social Work in lieu of SOWK 3600 or SOWK 3601. Applications must be received by September 1 of each year.