Department of History (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
400 Paterson Hall
This section presents the requirements for:
Graduation Requirements
In addition to the program requirements listed below, students must satisfy:
- the University regulations including the process of Academic Performance Evaluation (see the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar),
- the regulations applying to all B.A. students including those relating to First-Year Seminars and Breadth requirements (see the Academic Regulations and Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree ).
Students should consult with the Department when planning their program and selecting courses.
First Year Courses
There is a limit on the number of history courses permitted in a B.A. degree in History. To avoid the course designation of “Extra to Degree ( ETD)” students should not exceed the maximum of two 1000-level history courses (including FYSM courses designated with topics in history).

Course Categories
The following course categories are used in the specification of History programs.
The following field definitions are used to classify history courses:
- the world before 1750
- modern Europe
- North America
- Asia, Africa, and Latin America
- ideas, culture, and society
The field classification of each course is included with the course description. Courses that do not have a history field classification cannot be used to meet the history field requirements of degree programs in History.
- History 4000-level Seminars
HIST 4006 [1.0], HIST 4100 [1.0], HIST 4200 [1.0], HIST 4209 [1.0], HIST 4302 [1.0], HIST 4304 [1.0], HIST 4306 [1.0], HIST 4308 [1.0], HIST 4400 [1.0], HIST 4500 [1.0], HIST 4505 [1.0], HIST 4600 [1.0], HIST 4602, HIST 4603, HIST 4604, HIST 4700 [1.0], HIST 4802 [1.0], HIST 4805 [1.0]
4000-level history seminars have limited enrolment. Priority in enrolment is given to students in History Honours and Combined Honours programs. All students must obtain prior permission to enrol from the Department of History, normally during March and April of the preceding academic year. Places in seminars cannot be guaranteed to students who do not obtain prior permission.
The Department of History cross-lists several courses offered by other departments (e.g., several Classical Civilization courses in the Discipline of Classics). No more than 2.0 credits in cross-listed courses may be included in the 7.0 credits required for the B.A. General program. No more than 3.0 credits in cross-listed courses may be included in a B.A. Honours or B.A. Combined Honours program.

Program Requirements
History B.A. Honours (20.0 credits)
The requirements for this program are modified when the Honours Research Essay is included.
Normal Pattern
- 7.0 credits in history including 0.5 credit in each of four of the five history fields below the 4000-level and satisfying:
- 1.0 credit at the 1000-level;
- 3.0 credits at the 2000-level;
- 3.0 credits at the 3000-level;
- 0.5 credit in HIST 3810;
- 0.5 credit from HIST 2809, HIST 3809, or HIST 3811;
- 2.0 credits in 4000-level history seminars.
Honours Research Essay Pattern
- 5.0 credits in history including 0.5 credit in each of four of the five history fields below the 4000-level and satisfying:
- 1.0 credit at the 1000-level;
- 2.0 credits at the 2000-level;
- 1.0 credit at the 3000-level;
- 1.0 credit at the 2000- or 3000-level;
- 0.5 credit in HIST 3810;
- 0.5 credit from HIST 2809, HIST 3809, or HIST 3811;
- 2.0 credits in 4000-level history seminars;
- 2.0 credits in HIST 4909 [2.0];
- 8.0 credits in electives not in HIST;
- 2.0 credits in free electives (may be HIST).
- One of the history seminar credits in Item 4 above may, with departmental approval, be replaced with a credit in a discipline other than history. The replacement credit will count as part of the Major CGPA.
- Students should endeavour to have one course at the 2000-or 3000-level in the area of each fourth-year seminar.
- Students electing to follow the Honours Research Essay Pattern should consult with the Department. The decision to commit to this pattern should be made at the beginning of third year.
History with Concentration in International History B.A. Honours (20.0 credits)
The Concentration in International History is open to students in the History B.A. Honours program. Students in the Concentration must complete a total of 11.0 history credits, of which a minimum of 6.0 must be chosen from the list of designated courses in international history (see below). The minimum CGPA required for the courses in the Concentration is 6.50.
Concentration Credits (5.0 credits)
The concentration credits are those in c), d), e) and 5.
- 7.0 credits in history including 0.5 credit in each of four of the five history fields below the 4000-level and satisfying:
- 1.0 credit in HIST at the 1000-level;
- 2.0 credits in HIST at the 2000-level;
- 1.0 credit in HIST 2801 [1.0] (Field b);
- 1.5 credits chosen from HIST 3304, HIST 3306, HIST 3400, HIST 3405, HIST 3800, HIST 3801;
- 1.5 credits chosen from HIST 2205 [1.0],
HIST 2806 [1.0], HIST 3200 [1.0] HIST 3605, HIST 3700, HIST 3703, HIST 3803, HIST 3804, HIST 3805, HIST 3806, HIST 3905 and courses listed under d) not already used to satisfy d);
- 1.0 credit at the 3000-level;
- 0.5 credit in HIST 3810;
- 0.5 credit from HIST 2809, HIST 3809, or HIST 3811;
- 1.0 credit in HIST 4802 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit in 4000-level history seminar(s);
- 8.0 credits in electives not in HIST;
- 1.0 credit in free electives (may be HIST).
History B.A. Combined Honours (20.0 credits)
- 4.0 credits in history including 0.5 credit in each of four of the five history fields below the 4000-level and satisfying:
- 1.0 credit in HIST at the 1000-level;
- 2.0 credits in HIST at the 2000-level;
- 1.0 credit in HIST at the 3000-level;
- 0.5 credit in HIST 3810;
- 0.5 credit from HIST 2809, HIST 3809, or HIST 3811;
- 1.0 credit in HIST at the 4000-level;
- The requirements of the other discipline must be satisfied;
- 5.0 credits not in HIST or the other field;
- Sufficient free elective credits to make 20.0 credits for the degree.
History B.A. General (15.0 credits)
- 7.0 credits in history including 0.5 credit in each of four of the five history fields below the 4000-level and satisfying:
- 1.0 credit in HIST at the 1000-level;
- 3.0 credits in HIST at the 2000-level;
- 3.0 credits in HIST at the 3000-level;
- 7.0 credits not in HIST;
- 1.0 credit in free electives.
Minor in History
Open to all undergraduate degree students not in history programs.
Requirements (4.0 credits):
- 1.0 credit in HIST at the 1000-level;
- 1.0 credit in HIST at the 2000-level;
- 1.0 credit in HIST at the 3000-level;
- 1.0 credit in HIST at either the 2000- or 3000-level;
- The remaining requirements of the major discipline(s) and degree must be satisfied.

Mention : Français
Students in the B.A. (Honours) or B.A. program in history may qualify for the notation Mention : Français by fulfilling the requirements outlined below. Those wishing to pursue this path should consult with the Department's Mention : Français adviser. Approval of this adviser is required for all courses under Mention : Français.
History courses presented in fulfilment of Mention : Français requirement can double as courses to satisfy History B.A. (Honours) or B.A. requirements.
Students enrolling in courses at the University of Ottawa will do so through the University of Ottawa Exchange Program. To enrol in courses in French at another university, students must first obtain a Letter of Permission from the Registrar's Office.
Mention : Français B.A. Honours and B.A. Honours (Combined)
To graduate with the notation Mention : Français B.A. Honours History students must include in their program the following:
- 1.0 credit in advanced study of the French language (FREN 2100);
- 1.0 credit in French-Canadian culture and literature (FREN 2300);
- 1.0 credit in history taught in French at the 3000-level, chosen from HIST 3900 [1.0] and HIST 3901, if available, or an equivalent course at the University of Ottawa or another university;
- Either HIST 4908 [1.0], or a 1.0 credit history seminar at the 4000-level taught in French at the University of Ottawa or another university. All written work must be submitted in French;
- Combined Honours students must meet the Mention : Français requirements of both Honours disciplines.
Mention : Français B.A. General
To graduate with the notation Mention : Français B.A. General History students must include in their program the following:
- 1.0 credit in advanced study of the French language (FREN 2100);
- 1.0 credit in French-Canadian culture and literature (FREN 2300);
- 1.0 credit in history taught in French at the 3000-level, chosen from HIST 3900 [1.0] and HIST 3901, if available, or an equivalent course at the University of Ottawa or another university.
