ERTH 1001 - Discovering Earth Sciences ERTH 1003 - Natural Disasters ERTH 1006 - Exploring Planet Earth ERTH 1007 - The Dynamic Earth: Plate Tectonics ERTH 2001 - Co-operative Work Term Report 1 ERTH 2101 - Geochemistry of Earth Systems ERTH 2102 - Mineralogy to Petrology ERTH 2311 - Earth's Paleogeography ERTH 2312 - Paleontology ERTH 2401 - Dinosaurs ERTH 2402 - Climate Change: An Earth Sciences Perspective ERTH 2403 - Introduction to Oceanography ERTH 2404 - Engineering Geoscience ERTH 2405 - Geophysical Methods ERTH 2406 - Geology and Map Interpretation ERTH 2414 - Applied Geoscience ERTH 2801 - Outcrops to Basins ERTH 2802 - Field Geology ERTH 3001 - Co-operative Work Term Report 2 ERTH 3002 - Gemology ERTH 3111 - Vertebrate Paleontology I: Mammalian Paleontology and Evolution ERTH 3112 - Paleontology and Evolution of Lower Vertebrates ERTH 3113 - Geology of Human Origins ERTH 3201 - Applied Sedimentology ERTH 3202 - Igneous/Metamorphic Petrology ERTH 3204 - Mineral Deposits ERTH 3205 - Physical Hydrogeology ERTH 3805 - Geodynamics ERTH 3806 - Structural Geology ERTH 4001 - Co-operative Work Term Report 3 ERTH 4003 - Directed Studies in Geology ERTH 4005 - Micropaleontology ERTH 4107 - Geotechnical Mechanics ERTH 4303 - Resources of the Earth ERTH 4304 - High Resolution Stratigraphy ERTH 4305 - Carbonate Sedimentology ERTH 4306 - Resource Basin Analysis ERTH 4307 - Coastal Geology ERTH 4402 - Structural Geology ERTH 4403 - Tectonic Evolution of Canada ERTH 4503 - Crystalline Rock Petrogenesis ERTH 4707 - Engineering Seismology ERTH 4801 - Physics of the Earth ERTH 4802 - Geochemistry and Isotope Geology ERTH 4804 - Exploration Geophysics ERTH 4807 - Field Geology III ERTH 4808 - Vertebrate Paleontology Field Camp ERTH 4908 - Honours Thesis
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at
Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at