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10.1 Letter Grades

Carleton University employs the twelve -point system of letter grades to represent standing in graduate lecture courses, directed studies, seminars, tutorials, and some research essays and theses. The letter grades used, and the grade point equivalents are as follows:

A+ 12 B+ 9
A 11 B 8
A- 10 B- 7
C+ 6 D+ 3
C 5 D 2
C- 4 D- 1

The following percentage equivalents apply to all final course grades at Carleton.

A+ 90 -100 B+ 77 -79
A 85 -89 B 73 -76
A- 80 -84 B- 70 -72
C+ 67 -69 D+ 57 -59
C 63 -66 D 53 -56
C- 60 -62 D- 50 -52

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