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Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships

The Government of Canada, through the Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships Committee, offers annually a number of scholarships and fellowships, normally tenable for two years, which cover such expenses as travelling costs, tuition fees, other University fees, and a living allowance to students of other Commonwealth countries.

Under a plan drawn up at a conference held in Oxford in 1959, these scholarships and fellowships are awarded mainly for graduate study, and are tenable in the country making the offer.

Students are advised to consult the office of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. The deadline for receipt of applications is October 31 for all awarding countries except Australia and New Zealand. The deadline for receipt of applications for Australia and New Zealand awards is December 31. For further details, please contact the Canadian Bureau for International Education, 85 Albert Street, Suite 1400, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6A4. Application forms are available from Carleton International, Room 1506 Dunton Tower, Carleton University.

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