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The David Lewis Research Honorarium

Established in 1983 by the David Lewis Trust Fund, this $2,500 research honorarium is awarded annually, when merited, to a graduate student enrolled in the master's program within the Faculties of Social Sciences or Arts. It is to assist the recipient in the preparation of a thesis or research essay dealing with the labour movement and/or democratic socialism in Canada.

Candidates are initially screened by their department and recommended to the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. A short list of deserving candidates is submitted to the Board of the David Lewis Trust Fund, the members of which make the final selection of a recipient.

The winner of this honorarium will also receive an additional stipend to assist in the payment of costs associated with the writing and production of the thesis/research essay. This stipend is provided for through an endowment from the BOAG Foundation. A copy of the thesis or research essay is to be sent, upon completion, to the BOAG Foundation.

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