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Awards Policy

In recent years Carleton graduate students have won a large number of external scholarships, such as SSHRC fellowships, NSERC scholarships, and Ontario Graduate Scholarships. In addition, the University itself provides generous support, and the majority of graduate students receive funds from this source.

Holders of awards must pay regular tuition fees unless otherwise stated.

Full-time graduate students at Carleton University are expected to comply with the following procedures:

Any full-time graduate student who accepts an award that is not directly administered by Carleton University must immediately inform his/her departmental chair and the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in writing. This requirement applies to any awards or assistance offered by any agency or institution.
Any full-time graduate student who accepts part-time employment outside the University is required to inform his/her departmental chair and the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, in writing, prior to undertaking the work.

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