State, Rent, and Development:
 Afghanistan and the International Community
Florian P. Kühn
Helmut Schmidt University
University of the German Federal Armed Forces Hamburg

What is driving recent statebuilding developments in Afghanistan? What kind of state is the international community aiming for? Can we identify areas where security and development are mutually constitutive? What role is played by the external financing of statebuilding campaigns? How can the international community influence the political outcome in Central Asia? Or do local dynamics subvert external policies in a way that renders statebuilding illusionary? 
Florian P. Kühn is Senior Researcher and Lecturer at Helmut Schmidt University: The  University of the German Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, and currently a Visiting Fellow at Queen's Centre for International Relations, Queen's University, Kingston.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
12:00 - 1:30pm
Dunton Tower, Room 2017
Carleton University
Complimentary light sandwich lunch provided.

Registration requested by Friday, 23 April
or calling 613.520.2600 ext. 6671
The CSDS Speaker Series events are free and open to the public.
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or call 613.520.2600 ext 6671